
Primary Residential Mortgage, Inc. is a national, independent, full-service, residential mortgage banker. Our local Bay Area branches, in both San Francisco and Marin, have their own in-house underwriter and processing staff, ensuring your loan is turned around quickly and efficiently.

We are happy to be part of PRMI, one of the nation’s largest residential mortgage lenders. It allows us to offer many benefits to our customers, including focusing our knowledge and experience on your next home loan.

Our organization’s slogan, “Where the Primary focus is you” is not just a phrase—it is deeply rooted in our day-to-day operations–and embodies how we treat each customer. It really is all about you. Your home. Your loan. Your experience.

When you work with one of our Loan Originators, you’ll come to understand the exact meaning of this focus. We know, for many people, a home is their largest and most complex financial investment, and we strive to provide clarity and ease to the home loan process. We want this to be an exciting time for you and those with whom you share your home.

Isn’t it time you did business with someone “Where the Primary focus is you?”


Our mission is to be a nationally respected, locally known home loan company whose purpose is to finance your homeownership goals through a positive and personal experience.



Teamwork means we’re all in this together. Working together gives our customers better results than we could ever achieve individually.


Stability gives us a future. Our decisions are deliberate and careful. They have to make sense today and tomorrow.


We believe that what’s good for our customer is good for us, too. We are allies for our customers—advocating for sensible laws and stronger accountability.


When we are empowered, we do more—for each other and for our customers. We take charge of each situation with a solutions-oriented approach.


Integrity filters all of our decisions. When we act in integrity, we build trust by always making the right choice, regardless of circumstance.


The pursuit of excellence is a guide to our true potential. We seek to be better, smarter, and more effective people—for ourselves and our customers.


A happy work environment and a great customer experience go hand-in-hand. When we enjoy what we do, it’s easy to deliver a knockout experience.