As the housing market picks up for the spring and summer, make sure you’re a competitive buyer by following these three tips.

We’ve put together a rather interesting overview of the history of mortgages.

It’s a question with opinions as divided as crunchy or creamy peanut butter: should you list your home fully furnished or completely bare? Just like every other either-or debate, the answer lies somewhere in between. But which is right for you?

You’re selling your home, and sadly no one wants it. Chances are if you have any of these 5 things in your house, your potential buyers are probably thinking more about killing it with fire than actually purchasing it.

Donna Batdorff’s eBook 50 Things to Know About Selling Your Home addresses the major concerns first time sellers have about the overall process of putting their home on the market, as well as detailing potential benefits and pitfalls that could help or hinder the sale. Here are the first 10 from her full list of 50.